Wager Europe is the leading specialist in Marine Valves for Marine-and Offshore Industry
Wager Europe offers their clients a full range of Marine Valves, made from different excellent and wear-resistant materials and designed for a diversity of applications. Our Marine Valves secure tank venting on board of ships, which is very important.
Air Vent Check Valves
Wager Europe’s Marine Valves product range consists of different series Air Vent Check Valves. These types of valves protect tanks and bulkheads from pressure build-up during loading and unloading of liquid or dry cargo and assure maximum efficiency during operations. Special ball floats prevents contamination of the tank cargo from sea water during heavy seas and an overflow of wastewater in the waterway or the environment.
Wager Europe’s Air Vent Check Valves are available in the following different types: In-line Vent Check Valve, Horizontal In-line Vent Check Valve, Vertical Vent Check Valve, Inverted Vent Check Valve and Semi-circular Float Valve.
With over 80 years of experience, Wager Europe customers are guaranteed of the highest quality, highest finishing level and technically most up-to-date solutions. All our products and used components are extensively tested at our test facility to ensure the highest quality and functionality. Our full range of Marine Valves is ABS certified and meet the highest requirements set by various governing entities, Marine and Coast Guards all over the world.

The full range of our Marine Valves:
1300 In-line Valve Horizontal In-Line Vent
Check Valve
1500 Vertical Vent Check Valve 1500-90
Vertical Vent Check Valve 1500-MV Mud
1600 Tank Air Escape Valve 1660
Tank Air Escape Valve
1700 Inverted Vent Check Valve 1750
Inverted Vent Check Valve 1700
Semicircular Float Valve 1750
Semicircular Float Valve
Air Check Valve Anti-Syphonic
Valve Bronze Anti-syphonic Valve
Our large stock makes it possible to always have the product you need available, so you will stay operational. Product development, production, sales-and services, at Wager we have all divisions under one roof to be your best partner for Marine Valves.
Questions or interested in one of our Marine Valves? Our support can help you with all your questions. Please contact us by phone +31 343 45 78 63 or e-mail info@wager-europe.com